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Wo kann man die bodenbeläge von Bolon kaufen?

Bolon wird weltweit von exklusiven und geschulten Vertriebspartnern vertreten. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit unserem örtlichen Partner auf, um weitere Informationen über Bolon in Ihrem Land zu erhalten.

Von wo aus liefern sie?

Alle Bodenbeläge werden in Schweden entworfen und hergestellt. Wir produzieren komplett im eigenen Betrieb.


Welche grössen sind verfügbar?

Bahnenware 200 cm – Fliesen 50 x 50 cm – Planks 667 x 222 mm – Studio-Formen.

Sind die bodenbeläge schalldämmend?

Ja, der Trittschall wird besser gedämmt und der Luftschall mehr absorbiert.

Wie hoch ist der feuerwiderstand der bodenbeläge?

Die Brennbarkeitsklasse ist Bfl-S1.

Welche garantie gibt es?

Die Bolon-Bodenbelag-Garantie auf Produkte beträgt 10 Jahre für die Nutzungsklasse 32 und 15 Jahre für die Nutzungsklasse 33.

Sind die bodenbeläge für stark frequentierte flächen geeignet?

Die Bodenbelagskollektion von Bolon gibt es in der Nutzungsklasse 32 und in der Nutzungsklasse 33. Die Nutzungsklasse 32 gilt für die normale gewerbliche Nutzung und die Nutzungsklasse 33 für die schwere gewerbliche Nutzung.

Is it suitable for underfloor heating?

Bolons flooring is perfectly suitable in combination with underfloor heating. The thermal resistance is very low.

Is Bolon flooring anti-static?

Bolon flooring does not generate a static charge but it cannot be classified as an electrostatic dissipating floor. Bolon flooring has been tested and fulfill the requirements of the European Directive EN 1815.

Is the flooring water-proofed?

Bolon flooring is water resistant and does not allow water to penetrate.

What does being climate neutral mean? Can Bolon be climate neutral without buying carbon offsets?

Our production, as well as our products, are climate neutral, a result we achieve without buying carbon offsets. Our production is run on renewable energy, and we use BIO-sourced PVC and recycled material, which results in climate neutrality. 

What are the benefits of woven vinyl flooring compared to other materials?

Our woven vinyl floorings offer a combination of resource efficiency, no climate impact, and a long lifespan. On top of that, we have a unique woven design. This combination gives a compatible advantage towards other materials.

Installation & Maintenance 

How do I clean Bolon flooring?

Bolon flooring is very easy to clean and maintain. Important is to vacuum daily and to clean on a regular base with just water and no soap. Read more about cleaning here.

How do I install Bolon flooring?

Bolon floors should always be installed by qualified professionals according to the instructions. Installation instructions may vary slightly depending on the choice of design and floor size. Visit Installation for guides and videos.


How can Bolon achieve products with such a high degree of recycled materials?

Our products have a very high amount of recycled material because we have chosen to use circular and clean sources of chalk and PVC, two of our main components. This results in a product with an average of 68% recycled material. 

How does Bolon achieve climate-neutral products?

All Bolon products are climate-neutral due to the high amount of BIO-sourced and recycled material.

How does Bolon achieve climate-neutral production?

At Bolon, we use 100% renewable energy in our factory, which results in production with zero climate impact. 

Are Bolon floorings resource-efficient?

Bolon floorings are light and strong per square meter and include recycled material. They have a long lifespan and do not need any special treatment during their full lifespan to stay beautiful. Most cleaning can be done with only water. This makes Bolon a very resource-efficient choice. 

How many times can the Bolon material be recycled?

Our flooring and rugs are made with recycled material and can be recycled again. The PVC polymer in our products can be recycled seven times or more. The chalk can be recycled infinite times.

At Bolon, we have our very own recycling plant, where we can recycle our own products if no permanent adhesives have been used and the floors originate within the EU. 

What are Bolon's next steps when it comes to sustainability?

We are constantly looking for new ways to push recycling in the design industry. We are currently looking into developing a takeback of used floorings and rugs. We are also going to continue our journey to replace virgin materials with recycled or BIO-sourced materials.

What does being climate neutral mean? Can Bolon be climate neutral without buying carbon offsets?

Our production, as well as our products, are climate neutral, a result we achieve without buying carbon offsets. Our production is run on renewable energy, and we use BIO-sourced PVC and recycled material, which results in climate neutrality. 

Bolon products have an average of 68% recycled material, what does it consist of?

Bolon products consist of 68% recycled material. The material we use comes from waste when producing marble slabs and PVC products, as well as BIO-sourced PVC that is produced from waste in the pulp and paper industry. This sums up to 68% recycled material.

Where does the recycled PVC come from?

Bolon products consist of 68% recycled material. The recycled PVC that we use in our products comes from industrial waste from the production of threads, foils, pipes, and window frames.

Where does the BIO-sourced PVC come from?

The BIO-sourced PVC that we use comes from the same PVC industry where we previously bought virgin PVC. The difference is that BIO-sourced PVC is made of carbon from pulp and paper industry waste instead of carbon from the oil industry. The quality is 100 % the same as for fossil PVC.

Do Bolon products have the same performance when using recycled and BIO-sourced material?

All our products contain a majority of recycled material, without compromising on design, colours, quality and long warranties. 

Does a Bolon floor contain any dangerous substances?

All of Bolon’s floors are free from hazardous plasticisers and stabilisers such as phthalates and heavy metals. Moreover, the floors have very low emissions throughout the useful life of the floor.

Are your floors ecolabelled?

Our vinyl raw material is eco-labelled and the flooring complies with strict requirements for the eco-labelling of buildings. Bolon is also classified as best health class by the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association. In addition, Bolon has many different certifications covering both health and the environment, as well as declarations that completely openly show the components and environmental impact.

How transparent are you with the content and impact of your products?

We are completely transparent and have third-party certifications for both environmental performance and content declarations.

Is Bolon certified according to ISO 14001?

Yes, we are certified according to ISO 14001.

Do Bolon products contain fossil PVC?

No, our products only contain recycled PVC and BIO-sourced PVC.

Health & Hygiene

Is Bolon flooring healthy and safe?

Bolon is Floorscore certified for low VOC emissions and contributes positively to indoor air quality. Bolon flooring is even recommended by the NAAF, the Norwegian Asthma & Allergic Association.

Contact and support

Haven’t found what you’re looking for? We’re happy to help. Please send an e-mail or give us a call.